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DangerouslyForever Page 14

  “I washed them in the shower. Where can I hang them?”

  He motioned for her to hand them over. “I have a clothes washer,” he said as he took them. “I’ll add them with the children’s clothes.”

  “Thanks. Where are they?”

  He walked to the washer and put her clothes inside. After he pushed the start button, he pointed to the guest room. “Sleeping.”

  She went to the door and opened it slowly. “I took longer than I thought.”

  “You needed it,” he said, coming up behind her. “Are you hungry now?” He inhaled her scent. She smelled so nice. So clean. “I am.” He brushed against her back.

  She stepped into the room and turned around. “I’m going to bed now.”

  “I’ll show you the way.”

  “Good night.” And then she closed yet another door in his face.

  The door hit painfully against his hardened cock.


  Chapter Sixteen

  The nerve of him.

  She balled her fist and punched the padded post with all her might. It made a thumping sound but didn’t waver. Sweat dripped from her scalp and down her face. Her clean clothes were damp and beginning to cling to her body. While the morning sun wasn’t yet high in the sky, without proper shade there was no relief from it.

  She made a quick turn and smacked the post with the back of her hand with a grunt. She could hit the thing as hard as she could and didn’t have to worry about it bending or breaking, especially since Kiehle used this very post for training. A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead to her eyelid. Using her shoulder, she wiped the sweat away and peered up at the sky. She couldn’t even guess what time it was. She had no clue how time was tracked on this planet. All she knew was that it was early. Everyone was still sleep—even Kiehle.

  At the thought of him, she leaned to the side, brought her leg up and thrust her foot out to kick the post. She’d been hitting and kicking since she’d gotten up. Well, since the sun had come up. She hadn’t slept a wink last night.

  All because of him.

  While Yoshi and Max had slept soundly, she’d tossed and turned. Unable to keep her eyes closed, she’d spent most of the night staring at the ceiling.

  She grunted and punched the post again. Her fist made a dull sound as it hit the padding that covered the wood.

  She’d done the right thing, shutting the door on him. She smiled to herself, thinking about how his face must’ve looked.

  She spun and landed an elbow, pretending it was his face.

  That’s what he gets. Assuming I’ll want to fuck him.

  She bobbed and weaved, pretending she was avoiding his outstretched hands.

  Grabby hands.

  Then, with a left uppercut, she hit the post where she assumed his chin would be.


  The only reason she’d had sex with him in the first place was to plot her way to freedom. Well, maybe not the first time. The first time she had wanted to. But the second time was definitely to plan her escape.

  She brought her hands up to shield her face and bent her knee, bringing it back. Then with a fierce cry, she kicked out, landing the bottom of her foot where she pretended his kneecap was.

  I’ll cripple him if he bothers me again.

  When she’d finally gotten up this morning, the house had been quiet. She’d peeled Yoshi’s leg from across her stomach and Max’s arm from around her neck. Although the bed could easily sleep six, they’d both stuck to her side as though still in her small bed from the brothel. She’d retrieved her clothes from the washer and tiptoed to his closed door to listen. She thought she’d heard him stir inside but when she listened more, she didn’t hear anything else.

  She’d rested her hand on the door, trying to decide if she should push it open and go to him. All that stood between her and the possibility of riding him like a cowgirl was a door.

  One that she would not open.

  Instead, she’d dressed and left the house, hoping a few laps around the structure would tire her out. That’s when she’d come across what looked like a workout area. Exactly what she needed to get rid of all the pent-up energy that overwhelmed her.

  She spun and hit the post with her elbow.


  “Do you mind if I join you?”

  Startled, she turned to see Kiehle sauntering in her direction. Or prowling in her direction. Whenever he walked toward her, she got the feeling he was stalking his prey.

  She took deep breaths. Her chest heaved. “Can I say no?”


  She flicked her hand in the air. “Then I guess I don’t have a choice.”

  He pulled his shirt over his head. His perfectly chiseled chest and arms glistened under the sun. He began to stretch out the muscles in his upper body, over-exaggerating his movements. “Mmm, I need a good stretch.”

  Is he moaning?

  Her body immediately went soft at the sounds.

  He closed his eyes and straightened his arms up to the sky, making his muscles ripple, and moaned again. Her mouth watered as her eyes roamed his chest, his nipples, his stomach and the happy trail of hair that ran from his chest to his waistband.

  “That’s it,” he groaned. “My muscles are so tight.”

  She tilted her head to the side. His body… I can touch it.

  A bead of sweat formed below her nose and rolled over her lips. She licked it away. I would love to lick him.

  Wait? What am I doing? Ogling him again. Holy hell.

  Flustered at being mesmerized by him, yet again, she turned and focused her attention back on the post and practiced fighting combinations. Not giving in to the temptation to turn and watch him more.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw him crouch low to stretch his thighs. The material of his pants stuck to every fine muscular line.

  Even outlining his…

  She gave her head a light shake. There’s no need to focus on that…that…monstrous thing.

  She eyed the post and focused hard. Left, right, cross and duck. Left, right, cross and duck. As he finally walked over to her, she mentally repeated the words, trying to drown out the other voices in her head. The voices that whispered how delicious he looked…that begged her to let him crush her under his weight.

  By the time he stood a foot away, the chant sounded more like, Left! Right! Cross! And duck! Left! Right! Cross! And duck!

  He moved to her side and assumed a fighting stance, crouching low with his arms out, his smoldering lavender eyes trained on her. His face was framed by thick dark hair that hung a little past his shoulders. Good gracious, he was gorgeous.

  She gave him a look of indifference. “We’re sparring?”

  “Unless you think I might be too much for you to handle.”

  He didn’t know what he was walking into. She’d spent the morning thinking of ways to knock him on his back—and not the way he was probably thinking of now.

  She twisted her hair into a knot on the back of her head. He didn’t make a move to do anything with his. Hanging loose, it made him look primal…dangerous…sexy.


  She narrowed her gaze. He must think that every female around him should swoon like a schoolgirl. He really didn’t need to take off his shirt to advertise his perfect body and that stretching performance had been way over the top. Now his hair was blowing around his face as if he were some kind of alien Fabio.

  She looked around. Where the hell is all this wind coming from? “Are you planning to tie back your hair?” she asked, trying her best to sound annoyed—not aroused.

  “I had not planned to.” Smiling, he added, “Unless you find it too distracting.”


  She dropped and swiped a foot at his legs, catching him off guard. He tried to jump out of the way at the last minute but stumbled back.

  “I didn’t know we were starting,” he chuckled.

  “I didn’t know you needed an invitation,” she said, scow
ling at him.

  “Point taken.”

  They spent a while sparring with each other. He definitely wasn’t putting his all into it, probably afraid that she would get hurt—which pissed her off even more. He may not be trying, but with each strike, Ally was determined not only to connect but to do damage.

  It didn’t take long for sweat to begin pouring off them. Her wet shirt clung to her body. His hair became drenched.

  “Where did you learn to fight?” he asked, using a hand to swipe his hair off his face, pushing it behind his ear.

  “Eva taught me.” She slowly circled him, waiting for an opening to attack. “Or did you already know that?” Since you stole my memories. Bastard.

  She really should’ve gone for him while he was playing with his hair. It would’ve served him right. But she’d been so mesmerized by the sexy locks that she lost her chance.

  “She taught you well.” He watched her closely. His eyes tracked her every move. His arms were now up in a guard position, anticipating her next strike.

  “I was a fast learner.” She noticed a large drop of sweat roll from his neck, down the front of his chest to his nipple.

  She licked her lips, suddenly quite thirsty.

  “Maybe she will continue her training when you reunite.”

  “Uh-huh.” Why is my throat so dry?

  She lurched forward, aiming to hit his nipple. If it was bruised and ugly, she wouldn’t feel the need to look at it anymore. He grabbed her wrist and instead of pushing her away, he pulled her closer.

  She hit his hard, wet body with a smack.

  “Got you,” he whispered into her ear.

  She shuddered before she could stop the unanticipated response.

  “I like the effect I have on you.”

  She twisted out of his grasp and stumbled backward. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He chuckled, the dimples in his cheeks displayed prominently.

  Where the hell had they come from?

  “Truce. Let me show you something. You’re probably not used to fighting an opponent of my size.”

  She stiffened as he walked around to her back and stood behind her. Frozen in place, she felt him come close. She wanted to shudder again, but this time was able to put a clamp on it.

  “Instead of swinging at me like this,” he took her arm to mimic a high, arching punch, “try it like this.” He held her arm tighter to her body and thrust it upward. His hot breath tickled her ear. “How does that feel? Better?” He let her go and took a step away.

  She rubbed her arm where he’d held it, trying to wipe away his touch. And the feeling of fire it left behind. “It doesn’t feel natural,” she said. Liar.

  He sauntered to his shirt. “Um-hm.”

  She put her hand on her hip and scowled. “Why are you saying it like that?”

  “Because I know it feels a lot better than what you were doing before. But since I suggested it, you won’t admit it.” He grabbed his shirt and gave it a hard shake, getting rid of any bugs that may have crawled into it looking for a reprieve from the hot sun.

  “That’s not true,” she said, walking to the water canteen that she’d taken from his kitchen. What she needed now was cold water. Very cold water.

  He crossed his hands over his chest. “Um-hm.”

  “Whatever,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

  “Do you want me to show you how to take me down?” he asked with a mischievous smile on his face.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Take me down. Do you want to learn how to get someone my size on his knees?” he asked, trying his best to look angelic.

  She wasn’t buying it. She snorted. “No, thank you.”

  He shrugged. “It might come in handy one day.”

  For all intents and purposes, he was right. Even if she didn’t use the move on him, it might help to bring someone else down.

  “Show me.”

  He moved to her back and placed a hand across her abdomen. He leaned close, pulling her against his body. His hard cock was pressed against her back. She hitched her breath.

  “If your opponent has you like this, you will have two options,” he said. His voice was low, caressing her earlobe.

  She closed her eyes.

  He nuzzled his face into her neck.

  “This isn’t going to work.”

  “I know,” he groaned.

  She could’ve stepped away, out of his reach. But she stayed where she was and let his hands smooth up her stomach to her breasts. He cupped one, kneading it. She let her head fall back to rest on him. His touch was so gentle, slow. Her breaths burned in her chest. His other hand was making a slow trail to her valley, dipping under her waistband, seeking out her heat.

  “I missed you last night,” he said, using a voice so sultry that it seemed to send a signal straight to her pussy.

  She bit her lip. She would not tell him how much she had missed him too.

  His finger played around her clit, rubbing it. She hissed in a breath.

  I really should move away.

  But the thought was lost when he dipped his finger inside her wetness and then brought it back up to coat her clit.

  “Umm,” she moaned. Her knees weakened and he cradled her body to his.

  “Can I show you how much I missed you?”

  Yes. “No.”

  He chuckled, making his chest vibrate against her back. “That only means I have to prove myself to you.”

  He dropped to his knees. His hand went to her ass, pulling her pants down, exposing her. Next came kisses and light biting. He left no part of her butt untouched.

  With a grunt, he spread her legs.

  “Wait. I need a shower,” she said, looking back at him.

  He didn’t pull his eyes from her ass and pussy. “I want you like this.”

  Another protest was on her tongue just as his thumbs landed on her nether lips, spreading them apart. The words never left her mouth as his tongue invaded, licking and probing her pussy.

  “Ah,” she cried out, gripping her thighs for support.

  He licked on, his nose pressing into her ass, his tongue caressing her walls, darting in and out, exploring her. Her body quivered with pleasure. She didn’t know how much longer she could stand. With each swipe of his tongue, she felt her legs giving out. As his lips latched onto her clit, she shouted again, digging her nails into her skin. She couldn’t catch her breath, she couldn’t form a thought. His hands held her up and apart. Wetness dripped down her inner thighs.

  “Mmm, you taste so good,” he cooed between licks.

  His hands tightened on her hips, bringing her body back to rock against his face.

  “Shit,” she said as she bucked against him.

  “I’m going to take you to my room and have my fill of you,” he promised. “You’ll come all over my tongue and then you’ll come on my cock.”

  She shuddered and fell forward. His hands were there to catch her and help her ease to the ground. Face down, ass up. He continued to lick and caress with his tongue. Her hands dug into the dirt as he nibbled on her clit. With each nip, there was a hard stroke of his tongue to follow.

  “Gracious,” she yelled out.

  There hadn’t been many who had taken the time to see to her needs. It had been a rare pleasure. And none had ever done it with the gusto and fervor that Kiehle did. He seemed to revel in it. And when his tongue traveled to her ass and rimmed her dark entrance, she felt a deep shiver run up her spine.

  His tongue stroked her, gently at first, making its way past her muscles. She whimpered and relaxed, letting him explore. Only then did his tongue become more aggressive, probing. Deeper and deeper he went. His thumb found its way into her pussy, both working in unison. She’d never consented to anal sex—with anyone. But this…made her want more. Made her crave the sensation he was giving to her.

  On a growl, he slapped her ass and delved even deeper.

  That was all it took for the coil that
tightened in her stomach to release and erupt.

  “Yes,” she yelled as her body convulsed.

  He moved faster, his tongue and thumb urging her release on. Even as she fell to the ground, he lapped, taking in every drop she had. Her body convulsed as she screamed. Finished, he lay beside her and pulled her to his chest.

  She held on to his biceps and hooked her ankles over his. Her head rose and fell with his breaths. Kiehle ran a hand up and down her back while she listened to the sound of his heart. It beat at a fast pace, rhythmically lulling her to sleep. Jim’s heart had the same effect on her. She could listen to it all night long.

  But this was not Jim, and she didn’t have time for sleep.

  She pushed off him and rolled, landing on her back.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  She grabbed her pants and pushed herself to her feet. She shook them out and stepped into them. “The kids will be getting up soon.”

  “Then I suggest we move this to my bedroom.”

  She put her hands on her hips, about to tell him that this had been a momentary lapse in judgment, but her finger brushed against the vial of synthine. She had almost forgotten it was hidden in her pocket.

  He watched her seductively. “How about you check on the children and I’ll wait for you in my room?”

  “Good idea. I’ll see to the kids then stop by the kitchen to get us something to quench our thirst.”

  He chuckled. “Do you think I’d fall for that trick again? The last time you so graciously got me something to drink I ended up drugged and tied to a bed.”

  She pouted. “You don’t trust me? After everything we’ve shared?”

  He smirked. “Not with that.”

  She shrugged. “Suit yourself.” She picked up her canteen and took a long swallow.

  “Give me some of yours.”

  She picked up his shirt and tossed it at him. “Put your shirt on first. If the kids come out here, I don’t want them seeing anything inappropriate.” He caught it and shook it out once more. When he pulled the shirt over his head, briefly covering his eyes, she emptied the synthine into her canteen and slipped the vial back into her pocket. She didn’t need him waking up for at least a couple of days.