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Ramliel: The Teague Bride Experiment: Intergalactic Dating Agency Page 2

  Now that line of thought seemed stupid. She was never returning home. She’d felt that in her bones after she arrived at the drop point and met the rest of the “lucky” women at the International Airport. She’d felt it in her bones when she’d gotten off the bus and glanced at the tens of other buses that had dropped off the other women.

  Any fleeting hope of this being a big mistake was g-o-n-e. GONE.

  Once arriving at the ship they’d met the artificial intelligence or A.I.’s that would be taking care of them until they reached Teague. They were efficient, tall shiny robots that seemed to have everything under control for the onboarding process. The A.I’s directed everyone into the right lines and where to go and soon Mia was inside her first real spaceship.

  “Is it too late to ask for a refund for this trip?” the question came from the woman behind her.

  Mia turned toward the petite lady with large and expressive green eyes. “I wish. Do you think we can run away?”

  She chuckled even though her question had been part serious. Nerves danced in her belly and left her palms clammy.

  The woman ran a hand over the back of her neck, lifting a section of her dark hair and let it fall with a weary sigh. “At this point I don’t think they expect us to try to escape. We’re like, miles up in the air.”

  “We would have to steal the shuttle they used to bring us up here with.” That came from a middle-aged Black woman in front of them. She glanced around at the women milling about. “Hey! Does anyone know how to drive a space shuttle?”

  Looks of confusion met her question. Everyone appeared as dazed and off center as Mia.

  “No?” the older woman faced Mia again. “I thought as much.”

  The overhead recording looped again.

  Another lady in front of them looked at the paper she held in her hand. “What room are you in?”

  Mia glanced at hers. After they arrived, they’d been given a yellow notecard with their room assignment on it. There were also directions on how to access the room’s security. “Five-eighty-three.”

  “I’m five-eighty-six,” the woman behind her who’d originally joked about a refund said. She pointed to the right at the wall mounted sign that had room numbers five-five-zero through six hundred printed on it. “We need to go that way.”

  There was also another sign above the English one, but it was written in funny characters Mia didn’t understand.

  “I’m in the eight hundreds,” the Black older woman stated. “I’ll see you guys around?”

  “We’re going to be stuck on this ship for years,” Mia said. “We’ll be bumping into each other for a long time to come.”

  She smiled, hoping to hide her growing anxiety. She got claustrophobic when she was on a plane for longer than three hours. How was she going to get through years?

  “I’m Mia.” She shook both women’s hands.

  “Diana,” the woman in front of her said.

  “Angelina, Lina for short,” the woman behind her said.

  When it was their turn and they finally reached the end of the hallway, Mia and Lina headed right and Diana went to the left. They followed a group of women down the hall, the crowd thinning out as everyone found their rooms and left the line.


  Mia stopped in front of the door.

  “Do you want me to go inside with you?” Lina asked, stopping next to her.

  Mia chewed on her bottom lip, mulling it over. “This is really happening, isn’t it?”

  Lina’s hand slipped into hers. “I hate to say it, but yes. We’re really on a spaceship being carted off to be some alien dude’s bride.”

  Acid burned the back of Mia’s throat. She swallowed, trying to move past the lumps forming. “I was trying not to think of the last part. I’ve been stuck on the being on an alien spaceship and jetting through space to God knows where.”

  “I tell you what. I’ll help you get settled, then you can help me. How does that sound?”

  Mia’s heart sped up and the air in her lungs constricted. This was it.

  “I know this might seem forward and pushy of me,” Lina continued. “But I’m scared as hell and I really don’t want to be alone right now. Do you mind if I hang out here before going to my own room?”

  Mia damn near crushed Lina’s hand at the offer. “Yes. Let’s go in together.”

  Lina read the security directions while Mia followed the commands to program the door to her handprint. After a few tries of bumbling through the instructions, the door slid open with a woosh. Crisp and cool air wafted from inside. From her vantage point, Mia glimpsed a twin sized bed and a round table with two chairs.

  Lina poked her head inside. “Is this it? I thought since this was a fancy alien ship that our rooms would look like something in a nice hotel. I had better accommodations at a hostel in Frankfurt.”

  Mia stepped inside and glanced around. Yup, if she had to spend years here, she was going to have to fight through one helluva claustrophobic episode.

  “I think this will tell us what happens next.”

  Mia glanced toward Lina who stood in front of the one of the walls that had a whiteboard attached to it. “Don’t tell me it says we’re really going to be an alien delicacy instead of alien brides.”

  Lina didn’t answer.

  At her silence, Mia chuckled nervously. “Um, do I want to read it?”

  Lina’s voice was barely above a whisper as she said, “We’re to meet at this place on the map in the morning. Apparently, we’ll be in stasis sleep for the entire trip to Teague.”

  “That’s better than spending years getting old and being bored in space.” Mia erupted in another round of nervous chuckles. “How long are we going to sleep for?”

  She opened a closet and discovered her two bags inside. A breath of relief slid past her lips. She’d had a bit of concern at check-in when her bags had been taken and thrown on a moving conveyor belt. The only mementos that she had of her parents were in those bags.

  Lina turned around, face pale and lips trembling. “Two hundred years.”

  Mia dropped her purse.

  Chapter Three

  Ramliel sat in a seat that was too big for him. He’d claimed it as his special chair. His father had one and Ramliel wanted one as well. His legs weren’t long enough to allow his feet to touch the floor. Instead, they swung in the air. He didn’t mind. Soon, he would grow to fit into the chair. Just as his father fit into his chair.

  Ramliel studied his father. He wasn’t upset. He was more…hm, what was the feeling displayed on his father’s face? Apprehensive? Saddened? Concerned?

  Ramliel’s father, Este, was a big male, as were most of the Yatur males. He wore a red and gold tunic that stretched across an expansive chest and broad shoulders. His arms were left free and open to the air. One of his father’s arms was as large as Ramliel’s whole body. Tan, short hairs covered the bulky limbs and brown nails curled from the tips of long fingers. His loose pants were gold with lines of red threaded for color throughout.

  His father’s shoes were plain compared to the rest of his outfit. Black and devoid of any markings or special designs. His feet reached the floor comfortably. Ramliel couldn’t wait until he could sit in such a way.

  “Ramliel,” his father’s voice was deep and stern. Another thing Ramliel couldn’t wait for. As it stood, Ram’s voice was too high, almost like a female’s.

  “Yes, Father?” Ramliel said, making sure to lower his voice as well.

  His father leveled dark eyes on Ramliel. “Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”

  Ramliel didn’t, but he also didn’t want to admit that. “Yes, Father.”

  His father let out a sigh and sat back. His stomach was rounder than Ramliel remembered. Maybe Ramliel’s stomach would get round too?


  “Yes. Father?”

  “Let’s review again, just in case you have questions.”

  Yes, that was a good idea. Ramlie
l nodded.

  “Do you understand why you record weekly messages for the Earth female?”

  “She’s going to come here, one day when I’m older.”

  “Right. Her spaceship is traveling over great distances to come here. By the time you’re an adult she will finally be here.”

  He’d been studying about the planet Earth during his lessons. It was a watery planet with backward people, but they’d needed the humans help to supply them with females. For generations now, more males than females were being born. The scientists had tried to combat the unusual phenomena by altering genders in the womb. That had resulted in females who weren’t able to bear children.

  The scientist looked at other solutions but nothing worked. The only solution they could conceive of was to find compatible females with their genetic makeup but whose offspring would have a predisposition toward Yaturs. They had to search far and wide, finally stumbling upon the small planet and after secret genetic testing, found the human females were a match.

  Luckily, the humans agreed on the bride program in exchange for technological advancements. It was an experiment to see if the human woman could produce female children as the scientist hoped. A gamble, his father had called it because it cost a lot of time and credits to go get them and bring them to Teague.

  “That is very good for her. She will like living on Teague. It’s the best planet in this sector. Probably, the best in the universe!” Ram boasted with pride.

  “Yes, yes. The very best planet,” his father agreed. “But do you understand why you are leaving her messages and why she is coming here?”

  Ram made a face. “Because Earth is horrible and when she arrives to Teague, she will need a friend.”

  His father scrubbed a hand down his face. “Your mother didn’t want us to go too deep into the particulars of what was going on, but I think you’re ready now.”

  Ramliel straightened in his seat. He was X age and definitely old enough. This sounded very important and he liked hearing important things.

  “The female that you’ve been leaving the video message for is your mate.”

  Mate. Ramliel frowned. “Nadi is going to be my mate.”

  His father shook his head. “I’m sorry, son. Nadi can’t be your mate. We’ve already completed the paperwork and signed the marital contract. The human known as Mia Brown is yours.”

  “But I don’t want her.”

  “But you will. That’s why you are learning so much about her. When she finally arrives, it will be like the two of you have known each other forever.” His father sat back and smiled, looking at Ram warmly. “I can’t wait to have my grandchildren surrounding and climbing all over me. How many girls will you have to carry on our line and preserve our species?”

  Ram pouted and crossed his arms. “None.”

  “Oh, my son. I hope many and I will spoil each and every one.”

  “I want Nadi,” Ram burst out in his first show of defiance toward his father.

  “You cannot have her.”

  Why not? It was unfair! Love matches were rare, but not unheard of. Ramliel was sure that one day his and Nadi’s match would eventually grow into one. He liked her. She was nice, pretty, special and most importantly, she had kissed him and he’d liked it.

  He straightened his back and squared his shoulders. “I can have her and I will.”

  “No, the deal we made to acquire Mia Brown is sealed,” his father returned sharply.

  Rage coalesced in his belly. “I hate Mia Brown.”

  His father tilted his head to the side. “Son, you don’t know her.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I hate her.”

  His father sighed again. “When she comes, you will claim her and you will honor our family with many children.”

  “I don’t want children. I want Nadi.”

  His father ran a hand down his face again, and blew out a weary breath. Lines of exhaustion marred his features. He slapped his hands on massive thighs. “Ramliel, don’t shame your mother and me. Right, now go and leave Mia Brown a message. You’re overdo.”

  Overdo. How was he overdo to leave a message to someone who was still in stasis? She would get them all when she woke up so technically, he was ahead of schedule.

  “I don’t want to.” Ram fought not to pout.

  “You will,” his father growled. “We had to go through a very rigorous process to secure you a spot in the mating program. Only four thousand males on Teague were selected to participate. We were lucky. Well, not lucky, we had the right connections. We have to take full advantage of this opportunity.”

  Ram protested. “I don’t want this opportunity.”

  “Ramliel. Do you understand what this means for us? For our family? For my legacy?” At Ramliel’s silence his father continued, “My great-great grandmother had nine children. Her female children averaged three to four children each. Their children averaged two. Now…we are lucky to have a female child born in one union.”

  “Our scientist will figure out what the problem is,” Ram countered. Teague scientists were the smartest in this sector.

  “They’ve tried Ramliel.”

  “But the news networks said—”

  His father glared and slammed a fist on the desk between them. The look his father settled on him made Ramliel squirm. He didn’t like squirming. His father didn’t like squirming either. “They say whatever is necessary to calm the masses. The only way around our breeding problem is by mating with these human females. They are compatible to us and any offspring born of the union will genetically be more Yatur than human. We need this and we’re counting on you to continue our family line.”

  Ramliel stopped squirming and raised his chin. Fine. Ramliel pushed to the edge of the seat and placed his feet on the floor. He left his father in his study and went to his room. That’s where he’d recorded the other messages for Mia Brown.

  He’d told her about his life. His schoolwork. Things he liked to do for fun and what he thought she would like to do once she arrived. But tonight, he would leave a different message.

  He sat in his chair. The one that fit him comfortably and hit record and stared into the camera. He wanted Mia Brown to know how he felt about this contract and this union. When she came to Teague she wouldn’t want him and he would be free to mate with Nadi.

  Chapter Four

  Mia’s eyes opened on a flutter. One second she was sleep, blissfully unaware of anything, then she was staring at something blurry. Wait. No. Not blurry. She stared at glass. The glass slid to the side and she heard the voices, so many of them over the sounds of the recording.

  She was tired of recordings. Wait. Why was she tired of recordings? She couldn’t figure out why. But she was.

  “Good morning. We trust that you have had a restful and peaceful slumber. Please take your time to sit up and re-orient to your surroundings. Once you have your bearings, climb out of the stasis chamber and return to your assigned quarters where additional instructions will be provided.”

  Mia yawned. Had something gone wrong? The last thing she remembered was hugging Lina and Diana, joking about how the next time they saw each other they would be two hundred years older. She’d climbed into a pod-looking thinking with a comfortable bed and closed her eyes maybe five or ten minutes ago?

  She glanced around. Unable to see anything but the padded walls of her stasis chamber, Mia set up. The others were emerging from their stasis pods as well. White things that had an uncanny resemblance to coffins on the floor lined the room by the thousands.

  She spotted Lina, a few coffins, er, chambers down from her. They were aligned by numbers. Mia crawled out of her chamber. She felt good and refreshed, relaxed even.

  Glancing down at her body, she realized she only wore a plain white bra and panties. Wait. Her legs looked…muscular? She flexed her thigh muscles and angled her legs this way and that. There was no mistaking it. She had muscles now.

  “Whoa. Muscles?”

  She raised he
r arms and studied them. She flexed one arm and low and behold, she had biceps. “Where the hell did these come from?”

  “Probably the same place these came from,” Lina said as she flexed her arms too. Then did a few body builder poses. “I was killing myself in the gym for years, well, not consecutively, but you get the gist. I tried for a very long time to get guns like these.”

  “How do we have muscles after a few minutes in stasis?” Mia asked.

  Lina shook her dark head. “Not a few minutes. A few hundred years, remember?.”

  Low murmurs filled the room as more women emerged and stretched. Some hugged each other. “Can’t be. I don’t feel like it’s been two hundred years. I feel refreshed.”

  Lina chuckled. “Yeah, like you’ve been asleep for two hundred years.”

  Mia pursed her lips and thought about it. “Wouldn’t that have made me sluggish?”

  Lina let out a laugh-snort. “You’re asking me? The girl who knows just about the same information as you?”

  “Right. Maybe Diana would know.”

  Lina cocked her hip to the side and fisted her hand on her waist. “The other girl who knows the same amount of information? Sure. Yes, let’s go ask her.” Lina held up a finger. “Or…just hear me out…we could go to our rooms and see what message they have left for us there?”

  Mia exhaled heavily. She was being ridiculous. Lina looped an arm through hers. “Come on. I need to get naked and look at my new smoking hot body in the mirror.”

  “I kinda want to look at mine too. Do you see my butt?” As they walked, snaking their way through the crowd of women, Mia looked over her shoulder. “Did you see it? It’s like I did a million and one sumo squats.”

  “I could bounce a quarter off it,” Lina said, rolling her eyes and dragging Mia down the hall to their rooms.

  * * *

  Mia stood in front of the whiteboard in her room. Lina had gone to her room and they’d decided to meet later for breakfast. She read through the messages that were left for her.

  According to the notifications, she had indeed slept for two hundred years. It was still a little hard to grasp. Two hundred freaking years? That meant everyone back on Earth who she knew and loved was dead. Aunt Denise and Uncle Rob? Dead. Her coworkers? All dead.