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DangerouslyForever Page 21

Ally tried to smile. She wanted to cover up the pain that began eating her up inside. “I’m fine.”

  “Really? Because you don’t look it. Let’s go to the infirmary instead of training. We can call Eva and tell her to meet us there instead of the field.”

  Just then, Ally’s com-link signaled.

  “Ally? Are you there?” Eva asked.

  Ally raised her wrist to her mouth. “I’m here. Sorry we’re late. Lo’Ren and I will be on the field in a second.”

  “The infirmary,” Lo’Ren said.

  Ally shook her head. “I’m fine, really.”

  “Skip the field and meet me in Taio’s office,” Eva said.

  Ally frowned and looked at Lo’Ren for answers. Lo’Ren shrugged. “Why? What’s going on?” Ally asked.

  “We’ll explain when you get here,” Eva said.

  “Come on,” Lo’Ren said. “It must be important if Eva wants to skip training.”

  When they reached Taio’s office, Ally found Kiehle, Eva, Taio, Jess, Rasha, Mazel and Ship waiting for her. When she entered, they looked up, and she knew something was wrong. It was written all over their faces.

  “What’s wrong?” she blurted.

  “I-I don’t know how to tell you this,” Eva said.

  Max. Yoshi.

  “Where are my kids?”

  Eva was the first to get up and go to her. “They’re fine.”

  “Then what’s going on?”

  Eva held Ally’s elbow and led her to an empty chair. “Have a seat first.”

  Ally pulled away and stopped, refusing to move any farther. “Don’t patronize me.”

  Kiehle stood. A look of concern was written all over his face as he reached for her. “Ally, no matter what, we’re going to get through this together.”

  She slapped his hands away. “Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?”

  “Alharad is here,” Jess said.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Alharad? Here?

  Her knees weakened. The room swam. Her vision darkened.

  Strong hands were on her arms, holding her up.

  “Ally. Ally!” Kiehle called her name. His voice seemed so far away.

  Her stomach churned. Bile rose to the back of her throat.

  “Ally, stay with me, hon,” Eva coaxed.

  “I’m all right,” Ally said.

  Is that my voice?

  She sounded so…so…in shock. She let Kiehle ease her into a chair. “I’m not going back there,” she said.

  “You’re not,” both Eva and Kiehle said at the same time.

  She shook her head, trying to clear her mind. Alharad was here for one thing and one thing only.


  “I hope you told him I’m not going anywhere with him.”

  Kiehle and Eva exchanged glances while Jess and Rasha looked at anything other than her. Mazel was the only one who would meet her gaze, and when she did, she shook her head.

  “You didn’t? That’s okay. I’ll tell him myself.”

  Eva exhaled. “He doesn’t want you…”

  “He wants the kids,” Kiehle said, finishing her sentence.

  Ally erupted from her seat, knocking the chair over. “Fuck that!”

  Kiehle put a hand on her shoulder. “I know. Taio’s working on it now.”

  “What’s there to work on? He can’t have them! He was going to make Yoshi work the brothel and God knows what he’ll do to Max when he gets his hands on him. Tell Alharad no and send him on his fucking way.” She looked around at everyone. “How the hell did he find us, anyway?”

  “He put out a notice for your return and found out that Eva had been looking for you too. That’s how he was able to track you here,” Taio said.

  “You won’t let him take the kids, will you?” she asked in shock.

  “We won’t,” Taio said.

  Ally’s head began to swim. The walls seemed to close in around her. “Then why doesn’t he just leave? Why is he still here?” she asked.

  “It’s not that simple,” Taio said.

  She crossed her arms. “It is to me.”

  “He’s contacted the Galactic Council for mediation.”

  “I don’t care who the fuck he’s contacted. It’s illegal for him to keep children in the brothel. Even I know that.”

  Taio shook his head. “He’s claiming that the children did not work in the brothel. They were his personal slaves in his personal quarters.”

  “But Max lived in the brothel.”

  “With you,” Taio said. “He said you took to Max and wanted to care for him as your own. He says he was being nice to you and checked up on Max often to ensure he wasn’t doing anything illegal.”

  “But…” She looked around at all the worried faces. “Yoshi. He was going to make her work the brothel.”

  “When she came of age. Which is not illegal.”

  She shook her head. “No. They can’t go back. I won’t let you give them away.”

  Kiehle pulled her to him. “We aren’t going to let that happen. He’s got a case, is all Taio is saying. It doesn’t mean that we’ll comply with anything the Galactic Council says.”

  She nodded toward Taio. “You’re one of them. Whatever they decide, you’ll do.”

  “I am not giving children back to Alharad.”

  “That’s one vote in my favor,” Ally muttered.

  “No,” Taio said. “They have banned me from voting on this issue since I am the one harboring them.”

  Ally’s heart sank.

  Kiehle cradled her chin in his hands, lifting it. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you or them.”

  She wanted to believe him more than anything.

  * * * * *

  The verdict from the Galactic Council came sooner than she’d expected.

  The children belonged to Alharad. He had the proper documentation for them and because he had not broken any laws, they were to be returned to him immediately. The council had investigated Ally’s claim and had gone to the brothel looking for any evidence of any wrongdoing, but hadn’t found any. They had no choice but to return Alharad’s “property” to him.

  Ally lost it when the news came in. Why would they send children back to a monster? What kind of council would allow that to happen?

  Kiehle and Eva tried to explain how the council worked, but she hadn’t wanted to listen. While returning children to a brothel owner was wrong in her mind, it wasn’t wrong according to the rules and laws set forth by the council. Alharad had bought them legally and as long as he obeyed the laws, they couldn’t find a reason to side with Taio.

  She wasn’t the only one who had disagreed with the council. Thankfully, Taio and Eva had as well. Taio held true to his word and refused to give up the children.

  Ally was still reeling from the blow dealt by the Galactic Council when Lo’Ren had told her that, because Taio wouldn’t send the children back to Alharad, he would instead resign his position on the council. A position that he’d held for over thirty years.

  No. This wasn’t right.

  This was a big mess and she had brought it all to her best friend’s doorstep.

  She ran to Eva’s residence and burst through the door. “I can’t let him give up his seat.”

  Eva had Lyia cradled in her arms. Exhaustion showed on her face. “He doesn’t want to, but it looks like he won’t have a choice.”

  “Can’t we just appeal? I mean, we should be able to do that, right?”

  “Taio’s going to keep working on them. And if it fails, he’s going to give up his seat.”

  She stopped pacing to look at Eva. “Then what will happen?”

  Eva shrugged. Nothing much.

  “Don’t lie to me. What will happen if he disobeys their order?”

  “I don’t want you to get worked up more than you already are.”


  Eva took a deep breath and looked away. “They’ll impose sanctions on Drazlan and Sonis. We’ll be co
nsidered outcasts, not open for free trade or protection.”

  Ally put her hands on her head, trying to stop the swimming.

  This can’t be happening.

  “Ally, don’t worry about us. Taio won’t let anything happen to Drazlan or Sonis and our defense systems are some of the best in the galaxy. We’ll be fine.”

  “Can’t we just pay Alharad off? He’s a greedy fucker. He’ll take anything you give him.”

  “That was the first thing Taio and Kiehle tried to do. He refused.”

  “That asshole. He doesn’t want them. He only wants to make me suffer.”

  Eva got up and laid Liya in her bassinet. “That’s probably true.”

  Ally dropped to the edge of Eva’s bed, hanging her head low. This sucked major. “I’m sorry I got everyone involved in this mess.”

  “Hey, look at me.”

  Reluctantly, she looked up.

  “We take care of our own. And you and the kids are ours now.”

  Ally believed her. But it still didn’t make her feel better. “I better get going,” she said, rising. “Mazel will be bringing the kids back from their lessons in a little bit.”

  “Do you want me to stop by later?”

  Ally shook her head. “No. It’s fine. I think I’ll just spend a quiet night with them.”

  “Okay. Call me if you need me. And I mean it, don’t worry. We’ll get through this.”

  “I know.” Ally leaned over Liya’s bed and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

  She left Eva’s room and descended the winding staircase that led to the bottom floor. On her way to the front entrance, she passed what appeared to be a small office, maybe somewhere Taio conducted business without having to go to his larger office on the top floor of the palace. But the room’s purpose hadn’t been the reason she’d stopped at the door.

  It was the communications monitor that sat on the desk.

  She looked around. Nobody here but her.

  She entered and went straight to the monitor.

  She turned it on, looking through the menu for options. She chose Connect. Another set of options came up. She chose Log from the available choices. She scanned through them until she found “Alharad Nijiaira”.


  She selected his name to make the connection. Nothing seemed to happen until she noticed a red blinking light in the corner.

  What does that mean?

  She waited.

  Eva was busy with Liya and Taio wasn’t home, but that still didn’t stop Ally’s heart from speeding up, scared that someone might catch her.

  “Connected to Alharad Nijiaira,” a voice from the monitor said.

  She straightened. Here it goes.

  Alharad’s face projected onto the screen.

  After a moment of surprised silence, he smiled. “What have we here? I wasn’t expecting you to call. I must say, this is a pleasant surprise.”

  She bit the inside of her cheek. She didn’t need to say anything that would piss him off. She took a few breaths before responding. “You left me no choice.”

  He put a hand over his chest. “Who? Me?”

  “Let’s cut the shit. What do I have to do to keep the kids here with me?”

  “As I’ve told that giant King Taio, they’re not for sale. I miss them tremendously and want them returned home immediately.”

  She slammed her hand on the desk. The lying fuck. “You don’t miss them. They don’t mean anything to you. Even if we return them, the Galactic Council will be watching your every move, ensuring that you don’t send them to work in the brothel. They’ll be just two more mouths to feed.”

  He shrugged. “I’m just a loving owner separated from his slaves.”

  “You’re always talking about getting a return on your investment. They’ll cost you money.”

  “That may be true,” he said nonchalantly.

  Then it hit her.

  She leaned back in the chair. “Take me instead.” It was her only option.

  “You’ll be too much trouble. I could’ve asked the Galactic Council to return you too, but King Taio and his queen would only bother me to no end until they got you back.”

  “You don’t want them. You want me.”

  He watched her intently, neither confirming nor denying her claim.

  “The Galactic Council won’t feel the need to watch over me—I’m an adult. I’ll leave willingly.”

  He steeped his fingers together. “I want all three of you back or no deal.”

  “Don’t be greedy, Alharad. It’s me or nothing.”

  “Why would you do this for those worthless children?”

  “Because I love them. They have something here that I never thought I’d be able to give them. I’ll go with you, but they get to stay.”



  She disconnected the line after working out all the particulars of when he’d withdraw his request from the council, when she would leave and where he would pick her up. She felt a deep sense of dread as she walked back to her apartment. There was no going back. This was a sacrifice that she needed to make. The kids would stay here and be loved and taken care of by Eva. Maybe once in a while, if she behaved, Alharad would allow her to speak with them via communicator.

  And Kiehle…would go on.

  She walked into her home to the sound of giggles. She followed them to a set of doors and onto a large balcony.

  She stepped outside, where the suns shined bright in the sky. She’d almost forgotten how sunny and warm it was here. The last couple of days had felt dark. She looked around, enjoying the view. When she went back to Yinnis, there would be no outside. No sun shining on her. No fresh air.

  No giggles from Yoshi or Max.

  Her breath hitched.

  No Yoshi or Max.

  “Ally! Ally!” Max called to her.

  She smiled and looked down at the garden, where he was sitting with Yoshi and Kiehle, and what appeared to be two furry bear cubs.

  “What are those?” she asked.

  “Kiehle brought them for us. They’re called nekrans. They’re our pets!”

  She reached the bottom of the stairs. “Pets?” she asked Kiehle. Taio and Eva would already be burdened to take care of Yoshi and Max when she left. How could she expect them to take on pets too?

  He grabbed one of the fur balls and held it out to her. “Do you want to hold him?”

  “Really? You should’ve asked me first. Now is not the time for pets.”

  He chuckled. “It’s fine. We’ve all been anxious lately; the pets will serve as a nice distraction.”

  “That’s a lot of responsibility you’re putting on me.” On Eva.

  He put the animal down and frowned. “The kids wanted pets. I thought you wouldn’t mind.”

  She looked at Yoshi and Max, who also wore frowns.

  Her hands began to shake. “I-I just don’t think the pets are a good idea. Take them back. I can’t take care of them.”

  “Ally, relax. You’re getting worked up about animals.”

  “You…you just don’t understand.” She turned and ran up the stairs, ignoring his calls to stop.

  She tried to slam the door behind her but Kiehle caught it, coming in after her. “What’s the problem?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing—everything. Kiehle…this, us…isn’t long term.”

  His back straightened. A shadow passed over his eyes, darkening his irises. Something inside her cried out. A twinge of guilt pushed its way to the surface. “What do you mean?”

  “I have to do what’s right for Max and Yoshi. I can’t let whatever is going on between us distract me from my real purpose.”

  “Distract you?” He shook his head. “I want to be with you. I thought—”

  “Kiehle, I am who I am. I’ll do anything for those kids.”

  “Of course you will. You love them and they love you.”

  Her lips trembled. “I love them so much that my wants and needs are trivi
al when it comes to their safety and well-being. Th-that’s why we need to go our separate ways.”

  “Separate ways? Why would I do such a thing? You’re who I want. Only you.”

  “But I don’t want you.” The words hurt as she said them. “I have too much going on in my life right now. I just need to focus on me and the kids.”

  He opened and closed his mouth without saying anything. When he reached out to her, she stepped out of his reach so she wouldn’t run into his arms. She hooked her hands together behind her back to stop the trembling.

  “You’re upset. I understand. You need a good night’s rest and some relaxation. How about tomorrow I take you and the kids to the ocean? We can swim and take our minds off everything for a while.”

  She didn’t try to speak for fear the truth would come out.

  She shook her head.


  That’s what shone in his eyes.


  “You’re upset about this whole situation with Alharad. When it’s over, you’ll feel differently,” he said.

  “I have to focus on them, Kiehle. I don’t have time for you in my life,” she whispered, because she couldn’t say it any louder. It’s a lie. All a lie, she wanted to scream.

  “I’ll give you time to yourself, if that’s what you wish. But that doesn’t mean I’ll give up on you.”

  He turned around and left. As the door clicked closed, her body weakened. She eased herself to the floor, down to her knees then to her butt until she lay down. She could never take back anything she had said to him. But this was all for the best. When she left, he would go on with his life and find someone to love him the way he deserved to be loved.

  As for herself…she’d just let her only chance at happiness walk out the door.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “I cheated on you.”

  He laughed lightly.

  She turned to him “Why are you laughing? That’s not funny. I broke our vows.”

  “Honey, you’ve been living in brothels for the past three years. You’ve cheated on me many times.”

  She turned back to stare at the cloudless blue sky. “This is different. It wasn’t just sex. I love…loved him.”

  “And you expect me to be upset because you found love again?”

  Her eyes watered and spilled over to run down the side of her head. “I lost him like I lost you.”