DangerouslyForever Page 3
He plunged, grinding his cock within her. Her clit fired with pleasure.
She tossed her head back. “Just like that,” she whimpered.
Rykiz knew exactly how to make love to her. That was the only saving grace to this brothel owned by his father. As long as she kept Rykiz happy, his father didn’t see the need to offer her up to the other patrons.
Which was just fine with her.
At least this way she didn’t feel as if she were whoring. Rykiz was…her boyfriend. She smiled at the thought. He didn’t care that she was human or that she lived and worked…well, used to work in a brothel.
Maybe he would take her away from here one day and move her into the main house with him and his father. She’d gone there a couple of times with him. It was a different world. They’d sat at a table and ate dinner like a regular couple. They’d made love in his bed—not a brothel bed. They’d slept the night away in each other’s arms. And he’d even woken her up to breakfast in bed.
Yes, if she played her cards right, he would keep her. She could live with that.
Or maybe, just maybe, he would free her. She’d no longer be a slave.
He pulled out and sat back on his heels. His dick glistened from her wetness. Small and fat, it jutted toward her. Knowing her cue, she turned on her stomach and arched her back, raising her ass high in the air. She turned to look at him over her shoulder, her hair partly obscuring her view. His eyes were focused on her ass. He placed his hands on her cheeks and spread them apart.
She bit her lip and gave him a little wiggle, inviting him to fuck her.
His cock bounced in the air, aiming right for her.
“Come on, baby, fuck me.”
“So impatient,” he teased with a lopsided grin. He smacked her ass. “How do you want it?”
She dug her hands into the bed, reveling in the feeling of his palm vibrating against her cheek. “Mmm, any way you want to give it to me. Make me feel it.”
“I can do that.”
She had time to moan just before he leaned forward and pressed the head against her opening. In one solid movement, he breached her, sliding into her slick sheath.
“Oh God, yes,” she said breathlessly.
He liked to know that she enjoyed him. It didn’t matter what she could or couldn’t feel. If it meant living this life, she would scream at the top of her lungs.
She enjoyed herself.
She enjoyed fucking without anyone paying for it. She enjoyed that he treated her like a real person. She enjoyed how he was gentle when needed and rough when desired. She enjoyed that she was with someone who liked her—someone she could persuade to eventually love her.
He would love her. She would coat his dick with her cum and he would do anything for her.
It had been so long since she’d felt anything like this that Ally reveled in it now. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t big enough, long enough or fat enough. What mattered was that she fucked him willingly.
She rested her head on the bed. Her face slid up and down the sheets with each thrust. She stretched her arms and placed her palms flat against the wall, steadying herself in place. Every time he entered her, she clutched the walls of her pussy around his dick and released as he eased out. Flames ignited in her core.
“Yes, baby. Fuck me,” she begged. Her breathing picked up. Her heart slammed against the walls of her chest.
Rykiz leaned close and ran his tongue up her spine, licking the sweat that formed there. The sensitive contact made her pussy melt around him. “Are you going to come for me?”
Her eyes rolled back. Her body shook, erupting. “Ohh!”
Her head pounded from the full force of her orgasm. He didn’t slow his pace. Each slick stroke could be heard in the room, joining the sounds of his moans.
He nestled his face into her hair. “I’m going to miss this,” he said, breathing into her ear. “I can’t believe I have to give this up.”
Immediately her eyes flicked open with surprise. “What…what are you talking about?”
“I’ll have to give up this pussy.” He straightened. “I wish I could stay in you forever.”
“You can.” She slammed her ass back against him.
“See? That’s what I’ll miss most. Your eagerness to please me.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” She slammed back again, rocking him back on his knees.
“I’m getting married.”
She whipped around and pushed him off her. “You’re what?”
“Can we finish this conversation later?” He pointed to his dick, which suddenly looked like a grotesque stub.
She squinted as she stared at him. “What does that mean for us?” That was the only thing she wanted to know right now.
He shrugged nonchalantly. And with that small gesture, all the hopes and dreams she’d imagined faded away quickly.
“I guess I’ll have to get this taken care of somewhere else?” he asked, raising a brow.
“Somewhere else?” She enunciated the words carefully. She could feel her temperature rising. Her skin prickled as if she were on fire.
He rolled off the bed and onto the floor, where he picked up his clothes and began to dress.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
He laughed. Laughed! “Are you jealous? It’s been in the making for quite some time now.”
She tried not to let her quivering lips give her away. “When?”
I can fucking kill him. “You’re getting married tomorrow and you’re here with me?”
“I had to be with you one more time.”
She choked. “One more time? You can’t be serious?”
“My father wants an heir. He’s forbidding me from seeing you again.”
No. He can’t.
She let out a nervous chuckle. The sound came out high and hysterical. “Is that right? Well, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” She rolled to her knees, letting the blanket fall. “I’ll be your little secret.”
He looked at her with sorrowful eyes. “I wasn’t going to say anything. But he’s going to sell you.”
Her mouth dropped open.
* * * * *
Brothel Number Five
Niolik, Hylio Star System, Torus Galaxy
As the alarm sounded, Ally sat on her butt with her knees bent up to her chest. She wrapped her arms around them and rocked.
She sang a song she remembered from Earth, and thought about those times. How when this song would come on, everyone in the club would hit the dance floor. Bodies would rock against each other. Drinks would be held high in the air. Everyone sang along as if it was the best song ever.
She had met Jim at one of those clubs. She tilted her head in thought. What song had been playing then? Hmm… They had claimed it as “their song”. Why couldn’t she remember it anymore?
If only the blaring alarm would stop. It made her thoughts discombobulated. She put her hands over her ears. She needed to remember her and Jim’s song. For some reason it was important that she did.
It might be the last thing she ever remembered.
She hung her head. If Jim were alive, he would’ve never forgotten something so important.
Would she have time to remember their song before they killed her? She was sure they would do it this time. Damn the credits they would lose over her loss. They could get another whore to replace her. They replaced whores every day.
She briefly flicked her eyes to where Rykiz lay dead. Yes, they would kill her this time. Why wouldn’t they?
It wouldn’t matter that she hadn’t intended to kill him. He’d come to visit her at the new brothel, fucked her—and then laughed in her face when she’d asked if he was going to take her away with him.
Something dark had risen from deep within and before she knew it, she’d snapped his neck.
There was no point in apologizing. Not that she wanted to. Rykiz deser
ved to die.
When the door finally opened, she stared down the barrel of a blaster.
Adore, by Prince.
That was what the DJ had been playing when she and Jim first met.
She smiled.
All of her nightmares would finally be over.
Chapter Three
Taken: 5.5 Earth Years
Brothel Number Six
Yinnis, Latreian Star System, Torus Galaxy
Alharad Nijiaira, owner
The faint clang of metal against metal jolted her awake. Ally’s heart instantly quickened.
The bastards are back.
She fought to open eyes that were too swollen to oblige. Instead, she balled her fists and strained her sore, weak muscles, pulling against the chains that held her arms cuffed to the wall above her head. The sounds of jostling chains bounced off the concrete walls of her dark and dank solitary prison.
“Shh, it’s only me,” a whispered voice said in the darkness.
Ally’s racing heart sped up even more and she stilled her movements. No matter how many times she got herself beaten up and thrown in prison, he had been here to take care of her. When he got caught, she’d hear his screams from her cell. He wasn’t supposed to be here. She knew it. Why didn’t he?
It’s not as if she encouraged him to come. She ignored him, tried not to engage in conversation. Didn’t he know it was for his own good? Why was he here? Surely he knew he’d get beaten again?
She opened her mouth to ask him just that, only to find that one side of her mouth couldn’t move. The bones in her jaw painfully scraped against each other.
Broken again.
“Don’t try to talk. They messed you up real good this time. Maybe they’ll take you to the healing tank soon. Alharad will get you fixed up in no time.”
The little boy that sometimes brought her food and water was always filled with optimism. This time, like all the others, his optimism fell on deaf ears. If the fuckers had an ounce of compassion, they would let her wallow in pain and leave her the hell alone. But no, they would heal her just to beat her again. Torture 101, alien style.
“It’s not right to fix you up just to beat you again,” he continued, reading her mind as he made his way deeper into her cell.
Maybe this time they actually had forgotten about her. If they did, she could bleed to death. It would take forever, but she could be patient when needed. A laugh that sounded more like a pained gurgle reverberated in her chest. Even that slight movement caused excruciating pain.
“Here, drink this,” he said.
She felt a small tube being inserted between her swollen and painful lips. She tried to move her head away with a grunt. She couldn’t let him get in trouble again. The last time the guards caught him and dragged him away kicking and screaming Ally had tried to intervene. That earned her a hard kick in the stomach.
“It’s okay. They’re all busy. There’s a Galactic Council raid going on upstairs. They won’t miss me.” He let out a childlike giggle. “They’ve got their hands full. Drink it before they come back.” He reinserted the tube between her lips. “Go ahead, hurry.”
Ally pursed her sore lips around the straw. Her stomach churned and groaned as the sweet liquid filled her mouth and coated her throat to finally land in the empty pit. Greedily she sipped more. Too fast. The liquid spilled from her mouth and dripped down her chin.
“Urgh,” she said as the liquid burned the open wounds on her face.
“Slow down. Not so much at a time. Put the straw farther back in your mouth,” he chastised, as if he were the adult.
She did as instructed and tried again. This time worked much better than the first.
She was probably going to regret this. “What’s your name?” she asked, slurring her words.
“My name?”
She nodded. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried to block out the pain as the slight movement caused her head to pound and throb.
“Pet,” he said. The straw pressed against her lips again. “Here, take some more.”
Despite the pain, she shook her head. “No, your name?”
He stood in silence before he finally answered. “That’s what Master calls me. I’m his pet.”
He pushed the straw into her mouth again. She drank, finishing it all. When she was done, she used her tongue to push the straw from her mouth. “Thank you.”
She cracked her eye open to catch the sight of him opening the metal door. It creaked and a sliver of light burst through the darkened room. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“Uh-uh, not safe.” Don’t come back.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.”
So innocent. Pure.
“You’re a million bucks.”
“You’re not a pet. You’re worth a million bucks,” she tried to say but the words came out jumbled.
He shook his head. “I can’t understand you.”
She tried again. “Mill-ion.”
He was worth a million bucks. Maximillion.
He giggled quietly. “I don’t know what that is.”
“Okay, you can call me whatever you want.”
She slumped. She shouldn’t be calling him anything. It would only lead to trouble. Attachments always did.
The door closed with a thud.
Darkness closed around her again.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“We should probably go now,” Ally said.
She lay in the field. The grass provided a soft cushion on her back. As she watched the clouds drift slowly across the sky, she clasped Jim’s hand tightly in hers.
“Why?” Jim asked. Not turning to look her way.
She scrunched her face. “Isn’t it time?”
“Why would you say that?”
“I don’t know, it just feels like it’s time,” she whispered.
“No, let’s stay here a while longer.” He clasped her hand tighter. There was no breeze. Although the sun was shining high beyond the clouds, the air remained chilly.
“Jim Miller, if I didn’t know any better I would think you’re trying to stall me,” she said with a light chuckle.
He leaned over and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment.
“I’m not stalling. I like this.”
“This?” she asked, confused.
“Yeah, me and you watching the sky. Nowhere to be and nothing to do. It’s peaceful. I miss this.”
“So do I, but we can have it all the time now.”
“No.” He said the word as a declaration.
Her heart lurched. She had been waiting for this for so long. It was time. Finally. Why didn’t he want her to go with him? “I don’t want to stay here. I want to go with you. You promised me.” The words left her mouth in a shaky mess.
He got up and looked down on her. “That was before.”
“Before what?”
“You have to stay,” he said, not answering her question.
She tried to get up but couldn’t. It felt as though an invisible weight was on her chest, pinning her to the ground. “Jim, I tried. It didn’t work,” she pleaded, stretching out her hands to him.
“Try again.”
She balled her fists. “No! I’m alone. I’m so alone. It’s not fair. I want to go with you.” Her voice trembled as tears poured from her eyes to roll down the side of her face and past her ears.
“You’re not alone, sweetheart.” He faded away.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Ally opened her eyes. Pitch black. She blinked twice to make sure her eyes were actually open. The harsh grating sound of metal against metal made her jump.
The door.
Panic overwhelmed her. More light streamed through as it opened wider and wider.
She winced against the light that assaulted her vision, blinding her.
p; “The slave woke up.” The voice of the guard standing at the door made her snarl. Light filtered around him, obscuring his features. It didn’t matter. They were all equally assholes.
Laughter and sneers wafted through the door from the corridor beyond.
“Let’s get this human upstairs.”
Ally fought against the chains as the smell of the guard’s body odor permeated her nose. Rancid meat and funk was not a good combination. A hand fisted her hair and jerked her head back. The cold metal collar clasped around her neck with a clink.
“Boss wants you this time. If you have an ounce of self-preservation, you will keep your stupid mouth shut and your hands to yourself.”
Ally’s psychotic giggle sounded more like a gurgle. That was her problem. She didn’t have any self-preservation. She would do whatever it took to get herself killed.
“Aw fuck. Close your mouth,” the guard said in disgust. “You’ll drip blood through the halls.”
Instead, Ally used her tongue to push a loose tooth from her gums. It tumbled out of her mouth in a pool of blood and saliva. She could only imagine how she looked. Taking on three guards had been a death wish—literally. Too bad she’d passed out before they could finish her off, and instead had woken up chained.
Fucking cowards.
“You are one gross whore,” the guard known as Sagnior said.
Ally spit the blood pooling in her mouth onto the floor. “I didn’t know your mother was here,” she taunted.
“I’m going to kill you one day,” he growled.
She tsked. “Everybody makes the same promise but they’re too chickenshit to follow through. You want the truth? I’ll probably end up killing you first.”
“Are you threatening me?”
She sighed. How many guards had she killed over the years? Seven? And how many “customers”? Hmm…now that would take her longer to count. “No. Think of it as a promise.” She winked. “And I keep mine.”
The guards bound her hands in front of her. She didn’t try to fight or get away. She was too tired and besides, where would she escape to? After all this time, she had learned how to pick her battles. No sense in getting worked over again.
Maybe after seeing Alharad Nijiaira she could finally go to the healing tank. Of course, she would have to listen to one of his long-drawn-out lectures first about business and customer retention, but all in all it wouldn’t be that bad. She would nod and promise to do a better job of not killing any more customers. He would pretend to forgive her and send her to the healing tank and afterward she would whore for him again until someone else pissed her off. She was his slave—but mostly not a very compliant one.